Lake Macquarie

Round One 2025/2026 - Event Funding

This is a preview of the Round One 2025/2026 - Event Funding form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

1. Application category

* indicates a required field.

Please review the Event Funding Guidelines for eligibility and assessment criteria before completing this application form.

Eligible Expenditure

Ineligible events and criteria

  1. The event/activity within Lake Macquarie.
  2. Demonstrate social, economic and environmental benefits to the City
  3. Demonstrate that the event/activity is financially viable with or without Lake Macquarie City funding
  4. Obtain all regulatory approvals for the event/activity such as an event license.
  5. Hold current and relevant Public Liability Insurance to the value of $20 million.


  1. Capital expenditure
  2. Events that fundraise for other groups/causes
  3. ongoing operational or administrative costs
  4. Individuals
  5. Government agencies
  6. Payment of debt or insurance premiums committees of Lake Macquarie City Council religious ceremonies
  7. The core business of educational, religious and medical organisations
  8. Organisational programs
  9. Activities that duplicate existing services political parties
  10. Academic research, coursework or fees



I am applying for * Required
Response required.